The women of LUNA.

In the tapestry of life, the experiences and wisdom we accumulate along the way shape us into the individuals we are.

To celebrate International Women's Day and what makes us truly us, we sat down with some incredible women of LUNA who share their reflections on pivotal moments, challenges, and advice they would offer to their younger selves. This is what they had to say.

Claudia Wareham, Paralegal

If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would that be?

Watch what happens if you don't stop.

Who is your female role model and why?

My mum was my first female role model, she has owned her business for the last 26 years and never made me feel like anything was out of reach. Her resilence to keep on keeping on in hard times and business cycles, made me feel like I can do anything too.

How did you overcome the challenges of balancing motherhood with your career?

Yet to be a mother, but 100% something I am trying to figure out. I wish it was as easy as just having a baby whenever you wanted, unfortunately it has become a choice between income, career, family and time!

Grace Peris, People & Culture Coordinator

One piece of advice for your younger self?

It's never too late to follow your dreams.

What is a tip you wish someone had given you early in your career?

Maybe controversial, but it's ok to quit something if you realise it isn't the right decision for you. You don't have to 'see something out' if it is affecting your mental health. Some of the best decisions I have made have come from listening to my gut and removing myself from a job or situation that didn't work for me, and it led me to many incredible opportunities that I didn't know were possible.

Lynzzy Lou Tampos, Accountant

How did you overcome the challenges of balancing motherhood with your career?

It's very hard because everyone expects you to take care of your children while you wanted something for yourself (career) also. I am getting by with time management and accepting offers of help from my family.

Who is your female role model and why?

My mother, I don't know how she did it; being a breadwinner and never letting us feel that she didn't have time for us.

If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would that be?

To not to be afraid to try new things.

Nikola Sonerson, Lawyer

What has been the biggest challenge you have faced being a woman in the workforce?

A challenge I have faced as a woman in previous roles in a particularly male dominated industry is being undermined and feeling as though you need to work harder than your male colleagues to prove yourself. I hope to see more women in leadership roles in the future.

If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would that be?

Each experience contributes to your growth and shapes your journey.

Pebbles Randhawa, Marketing Coordinator

One piece of advice for your younger self?

Being different is a good thing, embrace it.

Looking back at your career so far, what is your proudest moment?

Quitting my “stable” job in finance to set up my own business at the age of 21. I learnt the most by doing, and wouldn’t trade it for a conventional way to kick off a career.

Who is your female role model and why?

Without a doubt my mother. She’s living the life I want to live someday.

Shannon Joseph, VP of Accounting — Investments team

Looking back at your career so far, what is your proudest moment?

Made an impact at a few exciting tech/fintech/crypto companies in New York City, including 3 successful IPOs.

What has been the biggest challenge you have faced being a woman in the workforce?

Lack of female leadership/mentorship; and learning how (unconscious) gender bias shows up in the workplace and how important it is to champion other women and yourself (e.g., lower self-confidence levels than our male counterparts, imposter syndrome).

Who is your female role model and why?

Growing up, this would be my mother - a business owner with 4 kids, who made it all look easy and that nothing is impossible.
Professionally, my first female manager at work - found a mentor who I found inspiring and learnt a tonne from, and gained an advocate, go-to for advice and life-long friend.

If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would that be?

Do not be too hard on yourself - allow yourself to take risks, trust your capabilities and embrace your intuition.

Tjahaja Matahari, Executive Assistant

Looking back at your career so far, what is your proudest moment?

One of my proudest moments was when I was reminded that I was a key team member in helping a startup grow from 10 to 100 team members in my 4 years with a company, and that I wore a lot of the hats in the beginning of that journey.

One piece of advice for your younger self?

Don't be afraid to ask for help.

Ashleigh Camm, Board Course Director & VP of Labs

One piece of advice for your younger self?

You can’t be what you can’t see - find mentors that you resonate with to support you in your journey.

Looking back at your career so far, what’s one step you took that you learnt a great deal from?

Following my intuition and moving to London without a job locked in first, despite the advice of many wise people! They were 100% right - it was hard to break into the market - or ‘the City’ - but it was a great personal and professional challenge which taught me a lot about myself and how Australia is viewed and valued on the global stage.

The challenge led me to ultimately work with one of the world’s most successful retail entrepreneurs, and via a totally different avenue also led me to discover impact investing, which was the first time that I could see how I could truly align my values with my working life. So while those wise people were very right and I also wouldn’t recommend the practicalities of this to anyone either, ultimately the stretch revealed great treasure which I am so grateful for, and it helped me to be where I am today.


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