It’s time you met LUNA’s blockchain team.
You’re either familiar with blockchain, or it’s so impenetrable to you that you find yourself Googling the very definition of it. Either way, we thought it’d be great to introduce you to our team of enthusiasts who are here to walk you through the ins and outs of blockchain businesses.
Crypto. Blockchain. NFTs – these words either drum up extreme excitement among innovators or evoke caution and concern among those comfortable with traditional banking. And so, unsurprisingly, peoples’ attitudes towards fintech are as diverse as the market is volatile.
The Australian fintech landscape is currently in regulatory limbo. While the Government wishes to position itself as a competitor in the financial and digital asset industry, it’s yet to take a formal position based on recommendations made by last year’s committee report on Australia’s plan to lead the blockchain era.
With market conditions trending from “bull” to “bear” (wait, wtf does that mean?) and uncertain regulatory guidelines pertaining to the space, it can all get a bit confusing.
With time, though, we’ve noticed a quick escalation in the number of crypto-related businesses needing legal, accounting and/or tax advice, as well as an understanding of corporate governance.
And you know what? We get it.
That’s why we’re building our crypto practice to ensure we can talk-the-talk and walk-the-walk so you can successfully (and legally) launch and operate your crypto business!
You’d be pleased to know that our team is focused on impact and delivery, not billable hours. This means we have the outlook and capacity to keep pace with wide-sweeping reforms and emerging technologies that are influencing the way investors and businesses participate in crypto markets. We’re not only bringing our legal and financial expertise to the table – we’re sprinkling the offering with our passion for startups and digital change makers – the early adopters who are willing and ready to disrupt the space.
Meet our specialist team of block-heads below:
Needless to say, our group of specialists is here to cater to any and all your blockchain related business queries. Feel free to reach out to any one of them, or slide into our mailbox for the same.